👨‍💻 ZkNoid for developers

Contracts part

SDK contracts

SDK includes a set of engine smartcontracts that can be inherited to enable specific features.
Engine contracts cover the core ZK gaming concepts. Contracts integration is the most flexible way of integration allowing to implement advanced provable games logic while inheriting useful platform features

Competitions and leaderboard system

Allows to integrate and manage free and paid competitions in the game. For competitions leaderboard is created

Matchmaking system

Allows to integrate players queue, opponent finding that makes possible PvP games

Lobby manager

Allows to create custom lobby rooms e.g. to play with friends

Pseudorandomness support

Allows to integrate players queue, opponent finding that makes possible PvP games

Proof of shuffle

To be announced

On-chain games parts examples

Example game on-chain part can be found in chain/src/randzu and chain/src/arkanoid