⚙️ Our technologies

Our technologies

To deliver the new ZK dimension into games we use the following technologies

ZK Proof

A ZK (Zero-Knowledge) Proof is a cryptographic technology that allows you to prove certain properties of an object without revealing any additional data about that object. This is particularly useful in blockchain for enhancing privacy, as it enables the hiding of the object while still allowing it to be used on-chain, and for scalability, by allowing heavy computations to be done off-chain and only proving their validity on-chain.

ZK Circuit

ZK Circuits are sets of constraints applied to variables. A ZK Proof verifies that the given inputs satisfy all these constraints, ensuring the integrity of computations without revealing the underlying data.

Recursive Proof

Recursive Proof is a technology that enables a proof to be used as input for another proof. This allows the division of calculations into parts, allowing more complex circuits and enabling conditional execution of specific components.


Protokit is an L3 solution that significantly increases transaction throughput while reducing transaction costs. Despite these optimizations, it maintains security by proving and publishing its state on the L1 blockchain.

Session Keys

Session keys are generated for each match and stored on the user’s frontend, eliminating the need for manual transaction signing. This greatly improves the user experience by keeping transactions hidden from the user.

Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption (HE) allows operations to be performed on encrypted data. A practical application of HE is in our card engine, which enables provable deck shuffling and the selective revealing of cards to certain users while keeping them private from others.

Commit-Reveal Schema

The Commit-Reveal Schema is a two-step process that helps conceal information on-chain before proving it. First, a hash of the hidden data and a random salt is published. Later, the data and salt are provided to verify the original commitment.

Matchmaking and Lobby

The matchmaking and lobby features provided in our SDK offer an out-of-the-box solution for multiplayer games, simplifying multiplayer session creation and player discovery.


A Verifiable Random Function (VRF) generates a provably random number. It ensures that the number is truly random, preventing any prior prediction, while also being verifiable, allowing others to confirm its proper computation. Random numbers are crucial in many games, such as lotteries.