👨‍💻 ZkNoid for developers
Integration Guide

Integration guide

Hello, Dear Developer!

This page provides information about the opportunities we offer and the requirements for integrating your game into our Game Store on the Mina Protocol.

We are delighted to welcome all developers to Mina Protocol who have decided to create zk-proof games. We are committed to providing support in several areas, including development, launch, long-term planning, and marketing.

We can assist you at various stages of your development journey:

  1. At the begining: Onboard you how to build games on Mina Protocol;
  2. To advise during the development process;
  3. Help with integration your game in our game store when once it is developed, and help you attract a community.

What is the profit of listing my game on the ZkNoid game store?

The ZkNoid team has extensive experience in developing for Web 3, especially with the Mina Protocol. If you choose to launch your game using the Mina protocol and list it in our game store, you will receive the following benefits:

  1. Game card & Cover on the ZkNoid main page A game card will be shown on the main store page. This card will redirect players to the game website if there is or in the game page in store. Events block on ZkNoid store will highlight all game events. A special cover to announce will be added to the top slider when the game launched.
  2. Marketing support Integration and game overview will be announced in ZkNoid social media (twitter, discord, telegram, medium). Will be created personal section for game in Discord channel. We’ll share updates and announcements of the game, create AMA’s section with founders and etc.
  3. Retention strategy We’re implementing a players retention strategy involving daily quests, motivations and NFT rewards. We can help with NFT layer launch. Nfts may be cross-used between projects.
  4. Development support The ZkNoid development team will be here to support you and assist with any issues you may have while you are featured in the ZkNoid store.

How to list my game in ZkNoid game store?

First of all, please fill out this Google Form to tell us more about your project. It should only take a few minutes and it will help us to learn more about you and your game.

Integration Requirements:

  1. The user interface of the game should be in the ZkNoid Game store style, if the game is to be fully implemented on the store.
  2. In case of the game have their own website page - page must include redirect button to ZkNoid Store and have a mark that game was developed with ZkNoid SDK;
  3. Game must integrate zk proof parts to ensure a fair and transparent game process;
  4. When the game starts to make revenue ZkNoid team will receive % a comission. The terms are negotiated personally.

What can ZkNoid provide for development?

We already have a number of infrastructure modules in place that can help make the development process smoother and easier. By using our SDK modules, you can focus only on developing smart contracts and game mechanics.

Our modules:

  1. Session keys
  2. Cards Engine
  3. Commit Reveal Scheme
  4. VRF Random generation
  5. Matchmaking and Lobby mechanics
  6. Leaderboard

You can ask all your questions about using SDK in ZkNoid Discord development chat and our team will be answer to you as soon as possible. Discord

Our team also provide a lot of educational content “How to build on Mina Protocol”as articles and video guides, you can check it in our Medium and YouTube

ZkNoid SDK is completely free for non-commercial use. Commercial projects can use ZkNoid SDK in terms to further listing in the ZkNoid game store when the game is fully developed.