🎮 Games Overview
Lottery L1

Lottery L1


This game is based on users luck. Lottery round lasts 24 hours, user buys ticket and chooses 6 numbers on it, this ticket is added to his wallet. At the end of the round, a random 6-digit win number is generated and user can claim his reward if he guessed the numbers or a part of them. The percentage of winnings depends on the number of guessed numbers in the ticket.


  1. Round Duration: each round lasts approximately 24 hours
  2. Ticket Purchase:
    1. Each ticket costs 1 $MINA
    2. Ticket consist of 6 numbers (1–9) and quantity
    3. Duplicated tickets are allowed
  3. Platform Fees: A 3% fee is deducted from each ticket purchase
  4. Winning Ticket reveal: winning ticket revealed within 2 days after round ends
  5. Claiming Rewards: each ticket earns points*( 0, 90, 324, 2187, 26244, 590490, or 31886460 for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 correct numbers)*. The reward is a share of the total bank based on points, order of numbers matters
  6. Refunds: If the winning ticket is not generated within 2 days, you can get a refund for your ticket

Network layer: L1 Network

Provable part

In the Lottery game we are proving a several gamers and application actions

  • Tickets buying correctness
  • Correct tickets distribution within round
  • Correct reducing of tickets buying actions
  • Winning ticket unpredictable generation
  • Tickets claiming

For winning random numbers generation we are using VRF delivered by ZKON team

Game Architecture

To read more about game architecture follow this link